ARTech Law affiliates are independent and do not constitute a law firm among themselves. ARTech Law provides the material on its web pages for information purposes only and not as legal advice. We do not intend to create an attorney-client relationship with you, and you should not assume such a relationship or act on any material from these pages without seeking professional counsel. Our website may contain attorney advertising as defined by laws of various states.
We practice law only in jurisdictions in which we are properly authorized to do so. We do not seek to represent anyone in any jurisdiction where this website does not comply or is in any way inconsistent with the rules governing communication of legal services in a particular state. We are unwilling to assume the representation of clients from those states where the materials does not comply with State Bar requirements and where the client is generated as a result of that communication. Our attorneys are not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization or as specialists in any practice area by the Tennessee Commission on the Continuing Legal Education and Specialization.